Revista ReDIVA nr. IV / 2016



  • Natalia Paşenciuc, The dwelling of mammoth bones on the Upper Palaeolithical site Climăuţi II
  • Victoria Surdu, Iamnaia Culture in the Carpathian-Dniester region. Historiographical issues and interpretations
  • Livia Sîrbu, Burial complexes of the Chişinău-Corlăteni culture (XII-X Centuries BC)
  • Cristian Oprean, Preliminary analysis of the faunal remains discovered as a result of the archaeological excavations from Moşnita Veche – Objective 16 (Timiş County)
  • Aurora Peţan, The Dacian Fortress of Grădiştea Muncelului: from the Legend of the White King to its Identification with Sarmizegetusa Regia
  • Julia Leitold, Die Religion der Kelten und Germanen in den „Commentarii de Bello Gallico“



  • Ivan Drnić, Kupinovo, groblje latenske kulture, Katalozi i monografije Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu, Svezak XII, Zagreb, 2015/ Kupinovo, a La Tène Culture Cemetery, Catalogues and monographs of the Archaeological Museum in Zabreb, Volume XII, Zagreb, 2015 (Andrei Georgescu)
  • Alfred Schäfer, Götter, Gaben, Heiligtümer. Römische Religion in Köln. Philipp von Zabern, 2016 (Csaba Szabó)
  • Bărbulescu, Mihai, Arheologia azi, în România (Archaeology today in Romania), Cluj- Napoca, Editura Idea, 2016 (Csaba Szabó)